You may be rightly excited to try phone dating, phone chatting, and phone sex by calling a sex number, but when do you know it’s time to move to the next call?

You don’t want to waste your time and there are thousands of people to speak with so you don’t have to worry about ending the call and have no one else available to speak.

If you are not enjoying the conversation that could be a reason to end the call, as you are likely to enjoy many calls and most people that speak on the phone try to find common interest or grounding to make a connection.

So if after a few minutes, you phone partner isn’t getting any of your jokes or responds shortly to your questions, it’s time to move on. You can politely tell them, that this conversation just isn’t working out and no hard feelings.

Another reason to end a call is if you and the person on the other end of the phone want totally different things. You may be looking for someone to chat with and they may want to jump into phone sex right away. If this is the case, it may be time to move on to the next call.

Don’t feel bad about ending the call because if you are feeling like there is no connection, it’s likely possible that the other person is feeling the same way.

And even if they are not, why lead them on if you are just not feeling great about the conversation. By letting the caller go, not only can you move to a call that is better for your wants and needs but also the other caller can too.

Just like dating in person, with phone dating it may take a few calls to find an ideal match for you and that’s okay. Sometimes it’s simply a numbers game. So take that call or drop that call depending on how you feel, you never know whom you will speak with next.