If you’ve set foot in a beauty supply store, local pharmacy or surfed the Internet, you’ve probably realized that personal care and good grooming skills are trending.

From new exercise fads, to new diets, to being present, practicing yoga, drinking more water and making time for you, the world is getting on the take care of yourself train and the newest item to make the list is the Booty Mask.

What is a booty mask you may ask? It’s like a facial mask, for your bum, your booty, the junk in your trunk. Booty masks are on trend right now and one of the best things you can do in a free party chat line is to be that guy or girl that is on trend, so we are going to tell you all about them. Plus, talking about smooth and luscious booties is a great way to segue into some hot sexy talk if that’s what you are going or.

So booty masks and booty scrubs are designed to exfoliate and stimulate your sexy cheeks. If you’ve ever reached down and felt your rear and felt embarrassed by the little bumps and inconsistencies you found, then a booty scrub and mask is for you!

After a quick booty exfoliation that targets all those little bumps, you would apply a booty mask to your butt’s semi-moist skin (and stand) and wait for the magic to happen! As your butt mask hardens have no fear, that means it’s working.

Twenty minutes later you remove the butt mask from your bum and reveal a new and shiny hiney that is completely smooth, kissable, grabbable and slappable if you are into that kind of thing.

So now that you are in the booty mask know, hit up one of our 30 min free trial and impress them with your beautiful booty knowledge. See if you can find a lady out there that has booty masked or is willing to give it a go and share her story with you live on our phone line for a little kinky fun!